Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 13 Millard Fillmore better

Today was the 13th day of school.  Millard Fillmore was the 13th president, and we remember that by remembering that Zachary Taylor was sick, so Millard Fillmore better.

Claire: I love you so much, Mama.  I love you more than Mrs. Alvarez.
Mama:  I'm so glad.  What happened that was fun today?
Claire:  I have no idea.  The question is out of my head now.  I liked going to art.  We drew a picture of our family at the zoo.  The animals that I drew on my table was elephant, giraffe, and bear.  I also colored a duck, which wasn't on my table, and a flamingo.  That's it.  I drawed and alligator.  That's all I can remember.  Why don't I get to take home my art?  I don't know why.
Paul:  Excuse me, excuse me.
Mama:  How was Lola today?
Claire:  She was good.  She said if I did what she did on recess I could play with her every single day, but if I don't do it, then I couldn't play with her.  I decided to do what she did because I love her.  Leanna was absent.  She's moving to a new school.
Mama:  Was Lola doing something fun?
Claire:  Yes.  We're going to have a cookie thing and the quietest person tomorrow will earn a cookie.  I hope I earn a cookie.
Mama:  You know you don't have to do what Lola does if you don't want to.
Claire:  I know, but I wanted to still be her friend, so I did what she did.  It wasn't something bad.  It was going down the pole at the jungle gym.  I sitted down and put one hand here and one hand here and twisted my feet around the blue pole of the jungle gym and I twisted down and when I got to the bottom of the ground I let go of the pole.  I kind of hit my chin, but it didn't hurt.
Mama:  You don't have to do what Lola wants.  You do what Claire wants.
Claire:  I heard in a cooperating movie you listen to others and do what others want to do and that's cooperation.  It was possible that she wouldn't be my friend if I didn't do what she wanted to do.  It ended up being fun so I did it.  I was cooperating.
Mama:  What else happened today?
Claire:  We did math and Mrs. Glazener wasn't there again.  That's weird of Mrs. Glazener.  We did shape math still.  We always do shape math.  Don't worry about math because we'll always be doing shape math.
Mama:  What did you read today?
Claire:  Nothing.  Mrs. Alvarez read My Teddy to us.  It was about a big teddy bear that had another little boy's teddy bear and the little boy hided behind the big bear and the big bear stomped.  The boy dropped his bear and the big bear said, "Little Boy!"  and the little bear said, "Help!" in the dark woods.
Mama:  What bothered you today?
Claire:  I sat down on the rug and Dameon disturbed me.  In the line, Alani kept bumping me with  her hiney.  Is it joke time?
Mama:  Yes.
Claire:  Socks get flushed and Sugar Dot's throat.

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