Thursday, August 29, 2013

Second Grade Day 4

Mrs. H doesn't mind if we don't do what we're not supposed to do.  She doesn't mind if we sit on the floor and read our head off.

I'm a manager.  It's my job to help people when they raise their hand to help.

Here's something super exciting that happened today.  When I did my test, I got to sit in the teacher's chair to do my test.

The teacher ran out of orange bus tickets so I had to ask another teacher for hers.

I got a note in invisible ink.  It said can we have a playdate in a week on Saturday.  It was from Bailey.

This is something really, really fun.  My test; it was an easy math test.  One of them was really  hard but the rest was easy.

I went to Art.  I made a clown, which was boring.  You couldn't talk to anyone, that's why it was boring.  And most of our coloring time was wasted with changing seats.

We didn't go out to recess because there was an orange alarm about recess.  It was too hot to go outside, even the principal announced it on the announcements.  An orange alarm is if you go outside the camera will catch you.  She mentioned teachers don't let your children go outside because it's too hot.

I gave Nicole a note in invisible ink.

Tell me something good that happened today.
Barely anything good happened today.  It was just a day.  It wasn't exciting, it was just a second grade day.

I did get to get on the computer and it said my password expired so I couldn't take my Star test because I needed a new password and Ms. Wagoner couldn't get our new password written down.  We didn't get to take our Star test.

Tell me something bad that happened today.
Two boys kept breaking out.  They got bumps on their skin.  Their skin gets all bumpy.  I don't know why.

One girl put her fingers down her throat and she threw up.  One boy told her to do it again and she kept doing it and she threw up.  

I started reading The Wimpy Kid book.  It was called the last straw.

A joke:
What's a dog's favorite job to have?
Being in charge of cats.

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